Master Kitesurfing at Leucateʼs Best School!

Join Unikite for fun, safe kitesurfing lessons. All levels welcome—experience the thrill of riding the waves!

Trusted by All!

Our Journey: Passion for Kitesurfing Since 2008

At Unikite, we’ve been riding the winds of Leucate since 2008. Our story began with a love for kitesurfing and a vision to share that joy with others. We believe that everyone should experience the thrill of gliding over water and catching the perfect breeze. Our dedicated team of passionate instructors is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring safe and fun lessons for all skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced rider, we’re committed to helping you unleash your potential on the water!

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Food and Nutrition

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Care Tips

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Embrace the Knowing
of Nature

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What Patients Say

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Scarlet Johnson

Everyone, no matter who they are or where they live, deserves access to quality health care.